Friday 29 April 2016

If you are not the one (short story)

"if you are not the one"

The story below is my future prospect, I think nothing is impossible for me when I have an Allah. just enjoy and make bigger an effort than yesterday, and try to be consistent person. insyaAllah, my dream will come true. 
the story is just simple description of my dream, and I choose a Liverpool as my destination because I love the football atmosphere there. and actually I am the part of them, as the supporter of Red Marseyside (Liverpool Football Club). but it's not finish yet, my real dream are to study there and introduce the people there about Islam.
ok, let's enjoy my short story :

:) :) :)

“If You are not The One”

It’s really cool day in January, the snow is fall in Sunday morning. The first day that I begin to work in one shop in Liverpool city. Ok, in the fact, I not a boy who born here, I just studying in this famous port city. Last year I got a scholarship to continue my master study. The lucky boy ever, why ? because I am not from the rich family. May be I can’t to study here with minimum economy. I use the work to fill my needs, I just try to be autonomous and make easy a family condition.
The snow had stop, I go to the shop immediately. Walk in very cool snow. I begin to be habitual with the cool, it’s different when I arrived in this city at first time. Use bicycle to go to the shop, because the distance from my hostel to shop is far. It’s needs 20 minutes.
When I arrive at my working place, I welcomed by a women with red dress with shop logo, and I think she is a cashier like me.
“Hi you, good morning !” she greets
“oh hi, morning”. I answer
“could me help you something” she offers
“no, I work here like you”
“oh sorry, new employee?
“yes miss”
“no, I still young girl, just call me Lusy”
“what ???, the Indonesian name”
“yes, I from Indonesia”
Today, I get new job and Indonesian friend in this Elizabeth country, after that conversation and had known the fact. We are so close and to contact each other intensively, I admitted that she is good listener. now, we are realized that we are work in same place and originated from same place also.
We are know each other deeply, she is the student and get scholarship like me. May be not different with my real identity now. As student and as a worker. Day by day I fell so comfortable with her.
In one day, she is absent in shop, and I try to contact her but no answer. I think she take the important business that hard to leave it. I serve many customers alone. Suddenly the boss come with wonder, looks the long customers queue.
“iz, where is your girlfriend ?”
He assumes that we are be engaged, the reason is we often looked making out.
“I don’t know boss, I have contacted but no answer from her”
The night comes with tired felt by my body, I am going to back to home. in the journey, my mind full of question about the absence of Lusy in shop, what happens on her?, and why I so cared with her. I decide to meet her in her hostel. I want to know the real condition about that girl.
I arrived in the hostel with green paint, I try to knock the door and open it, but it locked. No answer from the hostel, and I realized when I look the lamp is off, I think no body in that hostel. Then I immediately back to home.
I hard to sleep tonight, I thinking her repeatedly, the women who always be good listener for me, be the good partner in shop, and may be good friend, I stop with the last sentence that I thinked.
“is she my friend, or more than that?”
That word brings me to sleep.
Morning comes, I hope I will meet her in shop. I come to shop with hurry, when I arrived, no women greets me as usual. I see the cashier place and No cute woman that I often talk with. It’s make serious impact in my all activities, I have no spirit to work and to study. And the same question always haunt me every time.
“is she just a friend, why I always think her”
A weeks later, my phone is ringing in midnight, the unknown number is calling, I answer that call.
“Hello, who are there?”
“I am Lusy, iz”
“ohh, you ! where are you , why you absent in shop?”
“oh sorry, I have in Jakarta right now and may be I don’t coming back again to Liverpool, my father had died last week and I work and continue my study here, sorry if I make you worried and please tell to the boss about this” she explains
I am languid after listen the fact, But in the last conversation, I ask to meet her after graduate in my university.
Five months later I graduate from this university, I decide to finish my life in this Jhon lennon’s country. I leave all my story when I decide back to Indonesia. And make true all my hopes, especially to meet Lusy, the one that I love, the one who can’t just to be my friend.
I have sent message to her, ask her to wait in the Airport.
After seven hours in my journey, finally I arrived in my be loved country. I look everywhere to look for Lusy. Then the beautiful women with pinky dress wave to me, I realize that is lusy, she looks beautiful now, different with past.
“are you tired?” she ask
“no, I have no tired when I see you again”
“ah, you always kidding me”
“no, I am serious, can I tell you something”
“yes, please”
“when you are gone, I languish with the fact, the fact that you are far with me, if you are not the one I wait, why I feel so uncomfortable. I realize that I falling in love with you, and I am not kidding now”
“……………….” She just silent and tears
She answer “I think you are not understand what I feel”
“then ?” I ask
“I am falling in love like you, iz”
They hugged tightly each other.
Then, the person who explored the Britania get the one who love in their born place, and this story tells that the women is the important thing for men, the one who be loved.
“if you aren’t the one, why I feel miss you”
“If you aren’t the one, why I feel comfortable with you”
“yes, belief me that you are the one for me, my girl”

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